If you are unable to join us in person, connect with us on Zoom.

Our Sunday worship service starts at 10:30 a.m.

Zoom – ID 986 347 4088 – passcode is Jesus


Around Weston, many people simply know us as the “Apple Dumpling Church.”  We’ve been known to feed a few (thousand) people in early October, true. But Weston Christian Church is up to so much more!

We have been feeding body and soul since 1852, when 23 members of Weston Christian Church met for the first time to organize a congregation in Weston.

But we also feed the soul.  Walk into our sanctuary on Sunday morning and your soul will be fed first by music. It may be the choir singing an anthem.  The choir also presents ‘Selections from Messiah’ on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.  It may be our violinist (and his family) playing old time hymns and hymn arrangements.  It may be our string quartet playing classical music.  It may be our in resident composer playing an original composition or it may be a day when one of our organists is playing the Reuter Pipe Organ.  At Weston Christian, we know that music is like praying, multiplied times two!

Our sermons will feed you too.  They may make you laugh.  They may make you cry.  But they are guaranteed to make you think about what God is calling people to do and be in the world today.

And if you have little ones, they will be fed and cared for by our church family!  After the children’s moment, they are invited to children’s church activities down in the fellowship hall.

Outside of Sunday morning, we gather to be fed by fellowship and the reading of the Word.  We have a men’s Bible study held each Monday morning at 6;30 a.m. at the church and women meet for Bible study on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 1:00 p.m., also at the church.

But central to the feeding of body and soul is our Communion Table.  We share communion every week.  And ALL are welcome to Jesus’ feast (even those with gluten allergies).

If you are hungry for change, hungry for friendship, hungry for hope, hungry for healing, won’t you come and join us?