Growing in Christ as we serve our neighbor
Micah Ministry
Part of the 50 year-old “Churches Uniting in Christ” movement, Micah is focused on ministry to impoverished adults and children and justice work and racial reconciliation across denominational/ religious lines. WCC collects donations for Micah Ministry (based out of Independence Boulevard Christian Church) on an ongoing basis. Typically, Micah Ministry hands out about 1,500 items of children’s and adult clothing. Find out more about this local ministry here. Currently, this ministry is also “on hold” and will resume as soon as we are safely able to do so.
WMA Help Fund
The Weston Ministerial Alliance is a quiet but mighty organization that helps 20-40 families each year in Weston pay utilities, groceries, and rent.
Growing in Christ as we study, pray, and build community with our neighbor
“Christ and a Cup of Coffee”
Christ and a Cup of Coffee is a Bible study offered on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 11:00am in the Weston Christian Church Fellowship Hall. This group offers a variety of opportunities to study different books of the Bible, discuss and explore topics such as grief, loss, aging, and ministry all from a biblical perspective. Although many of those who are attending are retired or semi-retired all are welcome! Currently, all meetings are via Zoom.
Prayer / Meditation
Join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am for a time of prayer, reflection and meditation. All are welcome. Currently, all meetings are via Zoom.
Youth and Children
Faith formation is in part caught, but it also certainly needs to be taught. At WCC, our children grow in fellowship together as they gather together during the sermon. Preschool/Pre-K (ages 3-6) meet down in the Fellowship Hall. Elementary (ages 7-12) and Youth (ages 13-18) meet upstairs in “The Loft.” Along with lessons, activities, and prayers, we offer quarterly social events, participate in missions projects, summer camps at Tall Oaks, and host a Christmas Program.