For those who aren’t physically able to join us, we continue to offer online services via Zoom.
Zoom ID 986 347 4088 – passcode is Jesus



Soup Lunch, January 26th

Please join us after church!  The Hospitality Committee will provide the soup.  Please bring a salad or dessert to make the meal complete.  Bring a friend if you would like — come in from the cold and enjoy fellowship!



Ages 14+ will meet with the Youth Director from 10-10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Buckets for the Homeless:  Our young people have replenished smaller buckets for our homeless outreach ministry.  They are downstairs in the hallway near the elevator.  Feel free to pick up one or more to take with you in your travels.


Men’s Bible Study

Meets every Monday morning at 6:30 a.m. in the church Fellowship Hall.


Women’s Bible Study

Next gathering, Thursday, February 6th at 1 p.m.  We are studying the life of King David, looking at passages from 1 & 2 Samuel.


Adult Sunday School

Meets Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.


Refugee Family from Sudan

A guest speaker from Della Lamb Social Services will join us on Sunday, February 9th during the worship service.  She will be able to answer more of our questions about the family.


Bristol Manor

We will meet with the residents on Sunday, January 26th.  We plan to have enough food from our Soup Luncheon that day to take the soups, salads, and desserts to Bristol Manor after our luncheon.  We hope you will plan to join us as we visit with the residents.
